Thinking about joining the CWA?

Is the CWA for you?


If you’re seeking connection, community and opportunities to ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’, look no further than the CWA in Tasmania.

You might be surprised to learn that our membership is quite diverse!
We can’t all cook, knit or sew, but we all come together with the same desire to share our skills, knowledge and time to
care for one another and the communities we serve.

Our association is a wonderful mix of:

  • Old and young

  • City folk and country-dwellers, including some very remote

  • Retired, working, parenting, studying, care-giving (or a mixture any of these)

  • Life members and newbies

  • Vocal advocates and quiet achievers.

  • Bakers, knitters, sewers, quilters, scrapbookers, weavers, gardeners, preservers and more!

Our welcoming and inclusive branches offer fun and friendship, opportunities to learn new skills and the chance
to contribute to real and meaningful change, and we warmly invite Tasmanian women of all ages and backgrounds to join us, we even have junior memberships for under 18s.